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#100   chromeiasacadmeyE-MailHomepage12.07.2022 - 06:50
What you'll learn
1. Discussion on art and nuances of Essay writing. Essay paper is a low-hanging fruit as you just have to package the content you have in a presentable manner. But this entails a creativity quotient and skills to write an above-average essay.

2. Understanding the basics of the Essay writing without which it becomes difficult to score good marks in essay paper. How to connect one paragraph to another , what should be the flow in the essay , how many dimensions to discuss to score good marks. All this will be discussed in classes.

3. Learning of various approaches to Essay writing in general and Introduction and Conclusion in particular. It is well known that many times students can write content for MAIN BODY of the essay , but when it comes to Introduction and Conclusion of Essay they can’t do justice with it.

4. Essay writing is an art and so by the very definition can be learnt by practicing it correctly. During classes there would be brainstorming sessions on the previous years topics of UPSC Essay paper. This would help you learn how to unfold an essay topic.

5. Most importantly, stress to be given to PHILOSOPHICAL topics which are becoming the darling of UPSC in recent times. It is here that normal candidates are lacking to express themselves. After the classes you must be able to deal with philosophical topics confidently.

6. Learning how to structure an Essay. As an unorganized and unstructured Essay is the one which gets poor marks in Main Examination. Hence if you know how to structure your essay you can ensure good marks in this paper.

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